A Companion to World War I

A Companion to World War IA Companion to World War I by John Horne
ISBN: 9781119968702
Published by John Wiley & Sons on January 30th 2012
Genres: History, General, Military, World War I, Essays
Pages: 724

Len's Summary: First published in hard cover in 2011, this volume contains 38 essays by leading scholars on military, social, economic, political, technical and cultural aspects of the conflict. Also available as an e-book. Horn won the Tomlinson Book Prize in 2002. -- Thirty-eight analytical essays by leading scholars who represent the cutting edge of research on WWI and its legacy. Holger Herwig’s essay on the War in the West is of particular interest. Both Horn and Herwig are winners of the WFA’s Norman B. Tomlinson, Jr. Book Prize. -- Essays on the world before, during and after The Great War edited by a winner of the WFA Annual Tomlinson Book Prize. Military, diplomatic and cultural legacies of the war; war crimes, film and gender issues. A less expansive paperback version is promised. Order from www.blackwellreference.com.
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