Aviation Works Published Since 2011
Updated August 2015

Aces of Jagdstaffel 17. Greg van Wyngarden. Osprey Publishing. November 20th 2013. 96. 9781780967189. Famous for its Battle Cry “Malaula!” this unit shot down 101 Allied aircraft

Air and Sea Power in World War I. Maryam Philpott. Not Avail. May 14th 2014. 268. 0857721828. A scholarly study of British airpower.

Aircraft of World War I. Bob Pearson, Jack Herris. Amber Books. 2010. 192. 9781906626655. Aircraft identification guide arranged chronologically by theater of war and campaign including information on the role and impact of each aircraft, orders of battle, aces and commanding officers. -- A detailed and comprehensive guide to aircraft arranged by theater. Includes orders of battle, lists of commanders and aces. Well worth the modest price for aircraft and military historians, and modelers. Available from www.casematepublishing.com

Airship: Design, Development and Disaster. John Swinfield. Naval Institute Press. 2012. 336. 9781591140344. Development of the rigid airship with a short section on Zeppelins.

Airway to the East 1918-1920. Clive Semple. Casemate Publishers. 2012. 244. 9781848846579. A recounting of the failed attempt to develop a quicker way to move military aircraft to the Middle East theater of operations.

Army of the Sky: Russian Military Aviation before the Great War, 1904-1914. Gregory Vitarbo. Peter Lang. 2012-01. 256. 9781433114908. By 1914, Russian military aviation was about on a par with other European nations, but almost entirely dependent on foreign equipment.

Austro-Hungarian Albatros Aces of World War I. Paolo Varriale. Osprey Publishing. December 20th 2012. 96. 9781849087476. Nearly all you need to know about the air aces of Austria.

Carl Menckhoff: Reminiscenses of War and Captivity. Carl Menckhoff. Aeronaut Books. 2013. 304. 9781935881179. Memoir of a 39 victory German ace.

Collishaw & Company: Canadians in the Royal Naval Air Service 1914 - 1918. Joseph Allan Snowie. Nieuport Publishing. October 1st 2010. 294. 9780692009895. During WWI some 943 Canadians flew for the RNAS in East Africa, Mesopotamia, Gallipoli, Romania, and Russia and over the Western Front, England and the North Sea.

Development of German Warplanes in WWI – A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes and Seaplanes. Jack Herris. Aeronaut Books. 2012. 148. 9781935881087. Profuse information on German airframes and aero engines; destined to become a standard reference and research tool.

DH2 vs Albatross DI-DII Western Front 1916. James Miller. Osprey Publishing. 2012. 80. 9781849087049. Technical details of two successful German pursuit aircraft. Like all Osprey books, this one is profusely illustrated in color and black and white.

Flights of Fancy: America’s Struggle for Air Power in the Great War. Damian Lataan. Amazon Digital Services. May 27th 2013. 74. B00D1MVWXS. Congress appropriated $640 million for aircraft production, but American air power failed to materialize and by the end of the war only a handful of American-made aircraft had reached the front.

Float Planes and Flying Boats: The U.S. Coast Guard and Early Naval Aviation. Robert B. Workman Jr.. US Naval Institute Press. July 15th 2012. 322. 1612511074. Few remember that the U.S. Coast Guard air crew participated in the first-ever transatlantic flight (by Curtiss flying boats) in 1919.

Fokker D.VII: The Lethal Weapon. Tomasz Kowalski. Casemate Pub & Book Dist Llc. September 15th 2012. 168. 9788362878338. Arguably the finest pursuit aircraft of WWI.

France On Fragile Wings: A Libertyman's Adventures 1917-19. William B. StineSharon R. Stine. Pictorial Histories Pub.. 2013. 253. 9781575101668. Using his father’s log, his photos and postcards, the author retraces his journeys in France and his service as a DH-4 pilot with an AEF observation squadron.

French Aviation during the First World War. Vital E. FerryDominique BreffortAndré Jouineau. Histoire & Collections. February 26th 2015. 196. 9782352503705. An overview of French Air Force evolution.

German Armored Warplanes: A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes. Jack Herris, Jerry Boucher, Bob Pearson. . January 1st 1970. . 1935881116. Wood and canvas gave way to aluminum and steel airframe construction as aircraft were increasingly employed in a ground-support role.

German Seaplane Fighters of WWI: A Centennial Perspective on Great War Seaplanes (Volume 2). Jack Herris, Aaron Weaver, Steve Anderson, Bob Pearson, Martin Digmayer, Colin Owers. Aeronaut Books. 2012. 150. 9781935881094. The origin and evolution of each class of fighter, including flying boats, of the German fleet.

German War Birds. Claud Walter Sykes. Greenhill Books. January 1st 1994. 264. 9781853671647. Dramatic tales of air combat on the Western Front, the Middle East and Russia first published in 1933.

German’s Triplane Craze: A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes. Jack Herris. Aeronaut Books. 2013. 102. 9781935881155. The Red Baron flew the iconic Fokker Dr.1 triplane.

Germany’s Fighter Competitions of 1918: A Centennial Perspective on the Great War Airplanes. Jack Herris. Aeronaut Books. June 20th 2013. 166. 1935881167. Seeking the air-supremacy weapon.

Gotha Aircraft of WWI: A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes. Jack Herris, Aaron Weaver, Bob Pearson. . January 1st 1970. . 1935881140. The twin-engine Gotha was purpose-designed to bomb England from high altitude in the first blitz.
Into the Sun: Novels of the United States Airforce. Phillip S. Meilinger. Imprint. December 31st 2011. 241. 1879176475. One chapter on WWI novels; the rest of the book deals mainly with WWII.

Irish Aviators of World War I. Joe C. Gleeson. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. April 1st 2013. 532. 9781480082328. The stories of Mick Mannock and many other lesser-known Irish flyers along with a taste of 20th century Irish social history.

Iron Man: Rudolf Berthold: Germany's Indomitable Fighter Ace of World War I. Peter Kilduff. Grub Street. 2012. 192. 9781908117373. The life and career of a 44-kill ace.

KEK’s and Fokkerstaffels: The Early German Fighter Units in 1915-1916. Johan Ryheul. Fonthill Media. January 14th 2014. 236. 9781781552230. A history of the first squadrons, aces and dogfights over the Western Front.

Knights in Canvas: The Aviation Art of James Dietz. Jim WilbergJack Herris. Aeronaut Books. 2012. 174. 9781935881049. Chapters by several contributors including Jon Guttman and Greg Van Wyngarden.

Nachtflugzeug! German N-Types of WWI: A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes. Jack Herris, Aaron Weaver, Jerry Boucher, Bob Pearson. . January 1st 1970. . 1935881108. Night bombers over the Western Front.

Naval Aces of World War I – Part 2. Jon Guttman, Harry Dempsey. Osprey Publishing, Limited. May 8th 2012. 96. 9781849086646. Takes over where part one left off covering Germany, Greece, Russia, Austro-Hungary, Italy and, briefly, the US, a late entrant into the conflict. Major attention paid to the highly successful German float planes.

No Empty Chairs. Ian Mackersey. Orion Publishing Group. May 10th 2012. 288. 9780297859956. How British airmen of WWI lived and died. “No empty chairs” refers to the policy of immediately replacing missing aviators.

No Parachute: A Classic Account of War in the Air in WWI. Arthur Gould Lee. Grub Street. August 19th 2013. 240. 9781909166042. Based on the wartime letters of RFC pilot Gould Lee, who later rose to become a Vice Air Marshall. // Letters from young British airmen at the front.

Open Cockpit. Arthur Gould Lee. Grub Street. May 31st 2012. 224. 9781908117250. Reprint of a classic study (first published in 1965) by a British soldier who became an RFC pilot. Available from Casemate Publishing. // Memoir of a British air ace first published in 1969.

Pfalz Aircraft of WWI: A Centennial Perspective on Great War Airplanes. Jack Herris, Aaron Weaver, Steve Anderson, Bob Pearson, Martin Digmayer. Amber Books. 2010. 192. 9781906626655. A reliable German performer, the Pfalz D.III & D.XII variants were flown by several German aces.

Raymond Collishaw and the Black Flight. Roger Gunn. Dundurn. 2013. 270. 9781459706606. Arguably Canada‘s leading aerial ace, Callishaw started out with the Royal Naval Air Service, stayed in the RAF and rose to the rank of Air Vice Marshall commanding the Desert Air Force in North Africa during WWII. As a flight commander, Collishaw flew Sopwith Triplane named “Black Maria.”

Recollections of the Great War in the Air. James R. McConnell. Archive Media Publishing, Limited. March 1st 2012. 98. 9781781580806. Memoirs of a Lafayette Escadrille pilot first published in 1917. According to WWI aviation expert Steve Suddaby, this is a “long-lost gem.” // Memoir of an American volunteer in the Lafayette Escadrille.

Russian Aces of World War I. Victor Kulikov. Osprey Publishing. 2013. 96. 9781780960593. Thirteen Russian aces flew a variety of pursuit types including SPADs and Nieuports.

Somme Success: The Royal Flying Corps and the Battle of the Somme 1916. Peter Hart. Pen & Sword Books Limited. June 30th 2012. 223. 9781848848825. Another dimension of the Somme battles by an established British historian.

Sopwith Camel. Jon Guttman. Osprey Publishing. 2012. 64. 9781780961767. Includes technical specifications and combat history. Guttman is a prolific American aviation author and editor.

The Blue Max Airmen: German Airmen Awarded the Pour le Mérite. Lance Joseph Bronnenkant. Aeronaut Books. 2012. 112. 9781935881063. Volume one covers Boelcke and Immelmann; volume two covers Buddeke, Wintgens and von Mulzer with biographies of each. The author also published Imperial German Eagles in World War I (Schiffer) in two volumes.

The First World War in the Air. Phil Carradice. Casemate Pub & Book Dist Llc. 2012. 192. 9781445605128. An overview of the war in the air with 150 photos and artistic renderings.

The German Airforce I Knew, 1914-1918. Georg Paul Neumann. Pen & Sword Books Limited. March 30th 2014. 253. 9781783463138. Survey of the German Airforce (Luftstreitkräft) in WWI written in 1920 by a veteran of aerial combat and illustrated with drawings and photos.

Wind in the Wires. Duncan Grinnell-Milne. Grub Street. July 19th 2014. 256. 1909808016. Reprint of a classic pursuit pilot memoir.

Wings of War: An Airman’s Diary of the Last Year of the War. Rudolf StarkClaud W. Sykes. Casemate Publishers & Book Distributors, LLC. February 19th 2015. 228. 9781612001876. The end game of the Imperial German air force first published in 1933.