Aubers Ridge (Battleground Europe)

Aubers Ridge (Battleground Europe)Aubers Ridge (Battleground Europe) by Edward Hancock, Nigel Cave
ISBN: 1844150933
Published by Pen & Sword Books on September 1st 2005
Pages: 192

Len's Summary: New addition to the Battlefield Europe series edited by Nigel Cave. Analyses the action of May 9, 1915 when battalions of the First and Seventh Divisions and the Indian Army Corps attacked in support of an ultimately unsuccessful French drive against Vimy Ridge .

Ypres 1914: Langemarck: Early Battles 1914

Ypres 1914: Langemarck: Early Battles 1914Ypres 1914: Langemarck: Early Battles 1914 by Jack Sheldon, Nigel Cave
ISBN: 1781591997
Published by Pen & Sword Books on August 19th 2014
Genres: Military
Pages: 208

Len's Summary: The last major battle of 1914 involved British and British Indian Army units. One of a new series by these two authors on the opening BEF battles of the war available from Pen & Sword.


FlersFlers by Trevor Pidgeon, Nigel Cave
ISBN: 0850527783
on April 28th 2001
Pages: 160

Mons: 1914

Mons: 1914Mons: 1914 by Jack Horsfall, Nigel Cave
ISBN: 0850526779
Published by Pen & Sword Books on August 1st 1999
Genres: History, Military, World War I
Pages: 192

Le Cateau

Le CateauLe Cateau by Nigel Cave
ISBN: 9780850528428
Published by Leo Cooper on March 2008
Pages: 224

Len's Summary: The second major action fought by the BFE in 1914 examined by two experienced WWI historians.

Haig: A Reappraisal 80 Years On

Haig: A Reappraisal 80 Years OnHaig: A Reappraisal 80 Years On by Brian Bond, Nigel Cave
ISBN: 184415887X
Published by Pen & Sword Books on April 1st 2009
Genres: History, Military, World War I, Great Britain
Pages: 271

Len's Summary: Another look at Great Britain’s controversial field commander.

The Underground War: Vimy Ridge to Arras

The Underground War: Vimy Ridge to ArrasThe Underground War: Vimy Ridge to Arras by Phillip Robinson, Nigel Cave
ISBN: 1844159760
on July 19th 2011
Genres: Military
Pages: 269

Len's Summary: Part one of a planned four-part work on tunneling on British stretch of the Western Front. Reflects recent work on the Durand Group; with an illustrated tours section. // Both sides made extensive use of tunneling to place mines beneath opponent’s defensive works, a practice dating back to the invention of gun powder. First volume in a planned four-volume series.