ISBN: 9780897452434
Published by Sunflower University Press on March 2000
Pages: 336
Len's Summary: Dr.Kennedy is a member of WFA, daughter of a Canadian Great War veteran and, herself, a retired Canadian Air Force flying officer.
Turbulence in the Pacific: Japanese-U.S. Relations During World War I

ISBN: 9780275968533
Published by Greenwood Publishing Group on January 1st 2000
Genres: History, Asia, General, Japan, Military, World War I, United States, 20th Century
Pages: 173
Len's Summary: The author is Assistant Professor of History at Washington State University; she was educated both in Japan and the US. An active and troubled period in bilateral relations marked by American efforts to maintain an “open door” in China in the face of persistent Japanese expansionism. See Camaraderie for a full review. Things went downhill from here. . .
Ordered to Die: A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War

Published by Greenwood Publishing Group on November 30th 2000
Pages: 265
Len's Summary: The author is a retired U.S. Army officer and Turkish speaker who worked from Turkish Army archives not routinely accessible to civilian researchers.
The Undermining of Austria-Hungary: The Battle for Hearts and Minds

ISBN: 9780312231514
Published by Palgrave Macmillan on September 2nd 2000
Genres: History, Military, World War I, Historiography, Europe, General
Pages: 503
Len's Summary: A welcome addition to English monographs on the Central Powers.
Great War, Total War: Combat and Mobilization on the Western Front, 1914-1918

ISBN: 0521773520
Published by Cambridge University Press on September 11th 2000
Genres: History, Europe, General, Military, World War I
Pages: 584
Len's Summary: Drawn from a 1996 conference in Switzerland this volume has papers from many leading German historians. Something for everyone specialist and generalist alike.
Complete Idiot’s Guide to World War

ISBN: 0028639022
Published by Alpha on October 12th 2000
Genres: History, Military, World War I, United States, General
Pages: 432
Len's Summary: An expansion of the well-known Idiot’s Guides into WWI history. A useful reference, but one with many errors.
Revolt in the Desert

ISBN: 9781848856653
on 2001
Genres: History, Middle East, General, Travel, Special Interest, Literary
Pages: 352

ISBN: 9780060937089
Published by HarperCollins on December 3rd 2002
Genres: History, Military, World War I, Europe, General
Pages: 416
The Netherlands and World War I: Espionage, Diplomacy and Survival

ISBN: 9004122435
Published by Brill on June 28th 2001
Genres: History, Military, General, Europe, World War I
Pages: 381
Len's Summary: Dr, van Tuyll teaches history at Augusta State University, Georgia. His article on this subject will appear shortly in Camaraderie.
Trench Art

ISBN: 0850527937
Published by Pen & Sword Books on June 1st 2001
Genres: Art and war, Art metal-work, Found objects (Art), Popular Culture, Soldiers as artists, Art, Criticism & Theory, Subjects & Themes, General, History, Military, World War I
Pages: 192
Len's Summary: The first book we’ve seen on this subject of how front line soldiers passed the time between battles… Look for a review in the WFA newsletter The Field Memo later in 2001.
Caporetto 1917: Victory or Defeat?

ISBN: 0714650730
Published by Frank Cass Publishers on September 30th 2001
Genres: History, Military, General, Political Science, Security (National & International)
Pages: 171
Len's Summary: Given a mediocre review in War in History, April 2003.
The Myth of the Great War: A New Military History of World War I

ISBN: 9780060084332
Published by Harper on April 24th 2001
Genres: History, Military, General, World War I, Strategy
Pages: 400
Len's Summary: Reviewed in the Financial Times and found wanting as a rehash of 1930s "blame it on the stupid generals" analysis. Mosher also asserts that America won the war for the Allies, a thesis certain to enrage our British cousins.
Helmuth von Moltke and the Origins of the First World War

ISBN: 9780521791014
Published by Cambridge University Press on April 19th 2001
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Historical, History, Europe, General, Military, World War I, World War II, Juvenile Nonfiction, Military & Wars
Pages: 325
The Dynamics of Military Revolution, 1300-2050

ISBN: 9780521800792
Published by Cambridge University Press on August 27th 2001
Genres: History, Revolutionary, World, Renaissance, Modern, General, Political Science, Political Freedom, Technology & Engineering, Military Science
Pages: 203
Len's Summary: Chapters by Brigadier Jonathan Bailey on Western Front battlefields and the genesis of modern warfare, and Dr. Holger Herwig on the battle fleet revolution of 1885-1914. Recommended by WFA and TGWS member Bob Denison.
Wingless Eagle: U.S. Army Aviation through World War I

ISBN: 9780807860236
Published by Univ of North Carolina Press on April 3rd 2003
Genres: History, United States, General, Military, Aviation
Pages: 320
Race, War, and Surveillance: African Americans and the United States

ISBN: 9780253109323
Published by Indiana University Press on July 26th 2001
Genres: History, United States, General, Social Science, Ethnic Studies, African American Studies, Military, World War I
Pages: 352
Len's Summary: Race relations in America during The Great War…not a pretty sight.
1918: War and Peace

ISBN: 9781585671571
Published by Overlook Press on 2001
Genres: History, Europe, General, France, Military, World War I, Modern, 20th Century
Pages: 616
Len's Summary: Answers the question: “how did World War One end?” Not a pretty sight…
The Great War: 1914-1918 (2nd Edition)

Published by Pearson/Longman on 2007
Genres: History, Military, General, World War I
Pages: 813
Len's Summary: A survey history that covers the war thematically rather than chronologically and has a social, economic and political emphasis.
America’s Great War: World War I and the American Experience

ISBN: 9780847696451
Published by Rowman & Littlefield on 2001
Pages: 275
Len's Summary: A social history of America in the Great War era by a professor of history at the University of Florida.
Amiens: Dawn of Victory

ISBN: 155002342X
Published by Dundurn on September 1st 2001
Genres: History, Military, World War I, Canada, General
Pages: 250
Len's Summary: Recounts “the black day of the German Army,” August 8, 1918. Dr. McWilliams spoke at the March 2002 WFA seminar in Victoria, B.C.
Britain, France, and the Financing of the First World War

ISBN: 9780773522930
on March 26th 2002
Genres: History, Military, World War I, Political Science, International Relations, General
Pages: 249
Len's Summary: A good analysis of a neglected area ofimportance in understanding WWI. I plan to review this for a future issue of StandTo!
The New World Power: American Foreign Policy, 1898-1917

ISBN: 9780812236668
Published by University of Pennsylvania Press on November 27th 2002
Genres: History, United States, 20th Century, Political Science, International Relations, General
Pages: 365
Len's Summary: A survey and analysis of America’s increasing involvement in world affairs through four administrations in two the decades beginning with the Spanish American War and ending with the declaration of war against Imperial Germany in 1917. This is an era often ignored by today’s diplomatic historians. Editor-in-Chief Len Shurtleff will review this monograph for Stand To!
The World War I Databook: The Essential Facts and Figures for all the Combatants

ISBN: 1854107666
Published by Aurum Press on October 1st 2001
Genres: History, Military, General
Pages: 324
Len's Summary: The orders of battle, maps, weapons, manpower, commanders and much more. Some errors, but overall a very valuable research tool. Update of a 1993 work.
Freeing the Baltic

ISBN: 9781843410010
Published by Birlinn on August 2002
Genres: History, Europe, Baltic States, Great Britain, Military, General, Naval
Pages: 263
Len's Summary: The Royal Navy moves into the Baltic following the Armistice of November 11, 1918 to confront Editor-in-Chief Lenin.
The Halifax Explosion and the Royal Canadian Navy: Inquiry and Intrigue

ISBN: 9780774808903
Published by UBC Press on May 1st 2002
Genres: History, Canada, General, Military, Naval
Pages: 248
Len's Summary: The story of a massive explosion of a French Lines munitions ship in 1917 that leveled the northern half of the city, killing 1,600 people.
Russian Sideshow: America’s Undeclared War, 1918-1920

ISBN: 9781574884296
Published by Brassey's on November 30th 2003
Pages: 352
Len's Summary: The author, writing on American armed intervention in Northern Russia and Siberia, is a retired businessman and resident of Florida, is a WFA member and spoke at our February 2001 Citadel seminar.
Race to the Front: The Materiel Foundations of Coalition Strategy in the Great War

ISBN: 9780275972998
Published by Greenwood Publishing Group on January 1st 2002
Pages: 373
The Kaiser: New Research on Wilhelm II’s Role in Imperial Germany

ISBN: 0521824087
Published by Cambridge University Press on November 17th 2003
Genres: History, Europe, General, Biography & Autobiography, Historical, World, Military, World War I, Modern, 20th Century
Pages: 299
Len's Summary: Analyses a complex political system and a complex ruler under severe wartime stress.
Nationalizing the Russian Empire: The Campaign against Enemy Aliens during World War I

ISBN: 0674010418
Published by Harvard University Press on May 15th 2003
Genres: History, Europe, General, Russia & the Former Soviet Union
Pages: 237
Len's Summary: Study of the treatment of “enemy” minorities during WWI. Mass deportations, property seizures, purges and popular violence impacted on millions of Russians of German and Jewish origin, as well as Muslims. Read in conjunction with A Whole Empire Walking by Peter Gatrell (Indiana, 1999) described elsewhere on these pages.
Wielding the Dagger: The MarineKorps Flandern and the German War Effort, 1914-1918

ISBN: 9780313324758
Published by Praeger on October 30th 2003
Genres: History, Europe, General, Germany, Military, World War I
Pages: 268
Len's Summary: Two divisions made up of naval reservists were formed and deployed as infantry and artillerymen on the Flanders coast in 1914. Many of them and their officers are buried at Vladslo and other German cemeteries in Belgium which we visited on our April 2003 tour of the Ypres Salient. // The little known story of a two-division-sized German submarine-destroyer and naval infantry-artillery group operating in Belgian Flanders.
Researching World War I: A Handbook

ISBN: 031328850X
Published by Greenwood Publishing Group on December 30th 2003
Genres: History, Military, General, World War I, Reference, Research
Pages: 496
Harlem’s Hell Fighters: The African-American 369th Infantry in World War I

ISBN: 9781574883862
on June 6th 2003
Genres: History, Military, General, World War I, Social Science, Ethnic Studies
Pages: 302
Len's Summary: By the author of Duty, Honor, Privilege — New York City’s Silk Stocking Regiment and the Breaking of the Hindenburg Line. Look for a review by Doug Fisher in a future issue of ‘Stand To!’
Trial by Fire: Command and the British Expeditionary Force in 1914

ISBN: 9780313324734
Published by Greenwood Publishing Group on August 30th 2003
Genres: History, Europe, General, Great Britain, Military, World War I
Pages: 259
Len's Summary: The small, regular British army faces unfamiliar warfare in Europe from August to November 1914. Breaks no new ground.
Europe’s Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914?

ISBN: 9780375411564
Published by Knopf on March 23rd 2004
Genres: History, Europe, General, Military, World War I, Political Science, Security (National & International)
Pages: 349
Len's Summary: By the author of A Peace to End all Peace on postwar redrawing of the map in the Mid East. Fromkin lays the blame for WWI on Germany. Little new here; the current work edited by Holger Herwig and Richard Hamilton, The Origins of World War I (Cambridge 2003) is far more enlightening.
Alfred Von Schlieffen’s Military Writings

ISBN: 0714649996
Published by Frank Cass Publishers on October 31st 2002
Genres: History, Military, General, Political Science, Security (National & International)
Pages: 280
The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America’s Response

ISBN: 9780060558703
Published by HarperCollins on September 30th 2003
Genres: History, United States, 20th Century, Modern, Political Science, International Relations, General
Pages: 528
Len's Summary: Covers the history of Turko-Armenian relations as well as the pogroms of 1915-16 with particular emphasis on American reactions and interventions. A History Book Club alternate selection.
World War I In Photographs

ISBN: 1842222775
Published by Carlton Publishing Group on October 28th 2002
Pages: 320
Len's Summary: Also published in French and Dutch.
Capital Cities at War: Paris, London, Berlin 1914-1919, Volume 2: A Cultural History

ISBN: 0521870437
Published by Cambridge University Press on September 6th 2007
Genres: History, Europe, General, France, Great Britain, Military, World War I, Modern, 20th Century, Social History, Social Science, Anthropology, Cultural
Pages: 545
Len's Summary: The first volume in this useful and finely-crafted comparative study covered social and economic effects of the war; this volume concentrates on the cultural impact of the conflict on the home front. Contributors include Tomlinson Prize- winner Annette Becker.
Flanders: A Cultural History

ISBN: 9780195314939
Published by Oxford University Press on June 11th 2007
Genres: History, Europe, Western, Travel, France, Historical Geography, Social Science, Customs & Traditions, General
Pages: 296
Len's Summary: A Flanders native looks at a region – the cockpit of WWI — that has been a battle ground since the Middle Ages.
War in a European Borderland: Occupations and Occupation Plans in Galicia and Ukraine, 1914-1918

ISBN: 0295987537
Published by Oakland Museum of California on December 1st 2007
Genres: History, Military, World War I, Europe, General, Russia & the Former Soviet Union
Pages: 122
Len's Summary: Rapidly shifting battle lines, haphazard implementation and often contradictory national policies complicated the sometimes violent German and Austro-Hungarian occupation of Russian territories on the Eastern Front.