ISBN: 9780786444182
Published by McFarland & Company on June 13th 2009
Genres: History, United States, 19th Century, Political Science, Political Ideologies, General
Pages: 252
Len's Summary: How the War Department and Army worked to build a martial spirit among the American people.
Guarding the Border: The Military Memoirs of the Ward Schrantz, 1912-1917

ISBN: 1603440968
Published by Texas A&M University Press on February 10th 2009
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, General, Personal Memoirs, History, Military, United States, State & Local, Social Science, Ethnic Studies, Hispanic American Studies
Pages: 224
Len's Summary: This memoir offers a look at a professional soldier’s life and attitudes in the early 20th century.
The Morbid Age: Britain and the Crisis of Civilisation, 1919 – 1939

ISBN: 9780141003252
Published by Penguin Adult on May 7th 2009
Genres: History, General, Great Britain
Pages: 544
Len's Summary: A prize-winning British historian looks at the sense of dread, a presentiment of impending disaster, which seized England in the interwar years. Favorably reviewed in the Economist.
Beyond the Bonus March and GI Bill: How Veteran Politics Shaped the New Deal Era

ISBN: 9780814762684
Published by NYU Press on April 1st 2012
Genres: History, Military, World War I, United States, Veterans, Literary Criticism, Semiotics & Theory, Psychology, General
Pages: 268
Len's Summary: Closer look at two major American veteran’s organizations The American Legion and The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) helped shape post-WWI politics.
Ford in the Service of America: Mass Production for the Military During the World Wars

ISBN: 9780786444854
Published by McFarland & Company on August 31st 2009
Genres: Business & Economics, Corporate & Business History, History, Military, World War I, World War II, United States, 20th Century, Transportation, Automotive, General
Pages: 198
Len's Summary: The history of Ford Motor Company’s products and achievements during two world wars.
American Military Vehicles of World War I: An Illustrated History of Armored Cars, Staff Cars, Motorcycles, Ambulances, Trucks, Tractors and Tanks

ISBN: 0786439602
Published by McFarland & Company on August 24th 2009
Genres: History, General, Military, World War I, Technology & Engineering, Military Science, Transportation, Automotive
Pages: 316
Len's Summary: Useful reference work.
Shell Shock Cinema: Weimar Culture and the Wounds of War

ISBN: 9780691008509
Published by Princeton University Press on October 2nd 2011
Genres: Art, Film & Video, History, Europe, General, Germany, Performing Arts, Social Science
Pages: 328
Len's Summary: Weimar Republic culture and the wounds of war. // Interpretative history of Weimar-era German cinema and how it reflected the memory of The Great War.
Untold War: New Perspectives in First World War Studies

ISBN: 9004166599
Published by Brill Academic Publishers on June 4th 2008
Genres: History, Military, World War I, Europe, General, Essays
Pages: 452
Len's Summary: Scholarly essays re-examining the global civil and military impact of the conflict; how the war changed societies. Contributors include prize-winning historians Alan Kramer and Dan Todman, with an introduction by John Horne. (I will be reviewing this for Stand To!) //Essays covering diverse themes such as combat, occupation, civil identity, juvenile delinquency, chaplains, art and remembrance across several countries: Germany, France, Britain, colonial Africa, Belgium and Romania. Fourth in the series of edited proceedings from conferences sponsored by the International Society for First World War Studies. Other titles are Uncovered Fields, Warfare and Belligerence, and Untold War.
The Alchemy of Air: A Jewish Genius, a Doomed Tycoon, and the Scientific Discovery That Fed the World but Fueled the Rise of Hitler

ISBN: 9780307351791
Published by Three Rivers Press on August 18th 2009
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Historical, Science & Technology, Science, General
Pages: 316
Len's Summary: The story of German chemists Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch who developed a process for synthesizing and mass producing ammonia from hydrogen and atmospheric nitrogen. The invention was used to replace natural nitrates as the base for fertilizer and explosives, fueling Germany’s 1914-1918 war effort. Haber also helped develop Germany’s poison gas capabilities. The author is a science and health writer.
The Resurrection and Collapse of Empire in Habsburg Serbia, 1914-1918

ISBN: 9780521896276
Published by Cambridge University Press on June 15th 2009
Genres: History, Europe, General, Modern, 20th Century, Military
Pages: 288
Len's Summary: Efforts to denationalize and depoliticize occupied Serbia and bring it back into the Dual Monarchy.
The Last Great War: British Society and the First World War

ISBN: 9780521728836
Published by Cambridge University Press on October 16th 2008
Genres: History, Europe, Great Britain, Modern, 20th Century, Military, General, World War I, Social History
Pages: 362
Len's Summary: A new social history. // A ground-breaking new cultural and social history of the British home front.
From Jutland to Junkyard

ISBN: 9781843410102
Published by Birlinn on July 2009
Pages: 168
Len's Summary: The interwar salvage for scrap of a portion of the German High Seas Fleet scuttled by its crews at Scapa Flow in June 1919.
Americans All!: Foreign-Born Soldiers in World War I

ISBN: 9781603441322
Published by Texas A&M University Press on January 1st 2001
Genres: History, Military, General, World War I, United States, 20th Century, Social Science, Emigration & Immigration, Ethnic Studies
Pages: 214
Len's Summary: New paperback edition of a book nominated for the Army Historical Association Distinguished Book Award for 2001. A surge of immigrant draftees in 1917 permanently challenged the way the US Army approached citizenship training.
British Destroyers: From Earliest Days to the Second World War

ISBN: 9781591140818
Published by Naval Institute Press on December 1st 2009
Genres: History, Military, General, Naval, Great Britain
Pages: 320
Len's Summary: First detailed study of Royal Navy destroyers and their predecessors from the 1880s to the 1930s.
Willing Patriots: Men of Color in the First World War

ISBN: 0764332333
Published by Schiffer Publishing on April 1st 2009
Genres: History, Military, General, African American Studies
Pages: 192
Len's Summary: Treats the organization, combat history of black troops including two infantry division, services of supply and special troops of the US Army in WWI.
Kut 1916: Courage and Failure in Iraq

ISBN: 9780752454474
Published by Spellmount on 2009
Genres: History, Middle East, General, Military, World War I, Modern, 20th Century
Pages: 320
Len's Summary: The history of one of the worst defeats of British arms: The siege of Kut, on the Euphrates River, 1915-1916. More than 13,000 British Indian Army troops surrendered and went into harsh Ottoman captivity. Recommended by Michael Neiberg of the Army War College faculty and winner of the Tomlinson Book Prize for 2008.
The Great War and German Memory: Society, Politics and Psychological Trauma, 1914-1945

ISBN: 9780859898423
Published by University of Exeter Press on 2009
Genres: History, Europe, General, Psychology, Germany
Pages: 278
Len's Summary: An account of psychological, political and social chaos in post-war Germany
Istanbul Under Allied Occupation, 1918-1923

ISBN: 9789004112599
Published by Brill Academic Publishers on January 1st 1999
Genres: History, Middle East, General, Architecture, Interior Design, Asia
Pages: 178
Len's Summary: Another account of post-war Turkey under Allied occupation as progressive Turks seek to prevent their country’s dismemberment.
Machine-Guns and the Great War

ISBN: 1848840470
on September 19th 2009
Genres: Machine guns, History, Military, General, Weapons, World War I
Pages: 169
Len's Summary: Reassessment of the tactical role of the key infantry weapon of the war.
George, Nicholas and Wilhelm: Three Royal Cousins and the Road to World War I

ISBN: 9781400079124
Published by Vintage Books on March 8th 2011
Genres: History, Military, World War I, Biography & Autobiography, Royalty, Europe, General
Pages: 498
Len's Summary: The story of three cousins: King George V of Great Britain, Tzar Nicholas II of Russia and Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany and the road to war in 1914.
Light Horse: A History of Australia’s Mounted Arm

ISBN: 9780521197083
Published by Cambridge University Press on November 24th 2009
Genres: History, Australia & New Zealand, Military, General, Other
Pages: 361
Len's Summary: The evolution of the famed light horse mounted infantry regiments from pre-federation days to WWI to their withering away in 1944.
Survivors of a Kind: Memoirs of the Western Front

ISBN: 9781847250049
Published by A&C Black on December 20th 2008
Genres: History, General, Military, World War I, Modern, Personal Memoirs
Pages: 192
Len's Summary: An introduction to WWI memoirs as being of both literary and historical value. // An analysis of Western Front memoirs published by a range of British luminaries including Anthony Eden, Harold McMillan, General F. P. Crozier and several war poets including Edmund Blunden.
The Russian Military Air Fleet in World War I: Volume I: A Chronology, 1910-1917

ISBN: 9780764333514
on June 1st 2010
Pages: 334
Len's Summary: Solidly researched by a premier aviation historian. (Volume one of two.)
1917: Beyond the Western Front

ISBN: 9004171398
Published by Brill Academic Publishers on January 31st 2009
Genres: History, General, Europe, Military, World War I
Pages: 182
Len's Summary: Essays examining the burgeoning costs of war in this significant year of conflict marked by the exit of Russia and the entry of America. Like all Brill publications, this one is too expensive; get it from the library.
Armenian Golgotha

ISBN: 1400096774
Published by Vintage Books on March 9th 2010
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Historical, Personal Memoirs, History, Asia, General, Middle East
Pages: 576
Len's Summary: The memoirs of an Armenian Apostolic priest and intellectual who disguised himself as a railway worker and escaped the WWI Armenian bloodbath. The translator is the author of The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and the American Response (Harper Collins, 2004). One of a spate of books being published as the 100 anniversary of the Ottoman massacres of Armenians nears.
The Mons Myth: A Reassessment of the Battle

ISBN: 9780752452470
Published by History Press on April 1st 2010
Genres: History, Europe, Great Britain, Military, General
Pages: 304
Len's Summary: A new description and analysis of this 1914 battle asserting that the Germans did not massively outnumber the British, did not attack in a solid mass, and that BEF ‘rapid rifle fire’ did not mow down Germans in rows.
Flamethrower Troops of World War I: The Central and Allied Powers

ISBN: 9780764335266
on September 28th 2010
Genres: History, Military, General, World War I
Pages: 171
Len's Summary: Technical data on flamethrowers used by both sides in The Great War.
On the Battlefield of Memory: The First World War and American Remembrance, 1919–1941

ISBN: 9780817357238
Published by University of Alabama Press on September 2nd 2010
Genres: History, General, United States, Literary Criticism, American, World War I
Pages: 340
Len's Summary: War and memory in the 1920s and 30s.
All the Tsar’s Men: Russia’s General Staff and the Fate of the Empire, 1898-1914

ISBN: 9780801895456
Published by Johns Hopkins University Press on March 18th 2010
Genres: History, Europe, Russia & the Former Soviet Union, General
Pages: 408
Len's Summary: A study in the institutional reforms that failed to prevent defeat in either the Russo-Japanese War or WWI. // The author ties the fate of empire to only partially successful efforts to create a truly professional officer corps in Russia in the wake of the Russo-Japanese War debacle.
Imperial Russian Field Uniforms and Equipment 1907-1917

ISBN: 9780764335228
on July 28th 2010
Genres: History, Military, General, Russia & the Former Soviet Union, Illustrated, World War I
Pages: 352
Len's Summary: Another in a growing number of volumes on WWI uniforms and equipment from Schiffer.
What I Saw in Berlin: And Other European Capitals During Wartime

ISBN: 9781179656335
Published by BiblioBazaar on September 6th 2011
Pages: 344
Len's Summary: First published in 1915, this anonymously-authored work describes the author’s travels to Berlin, Constantinople, Athens and other European capitals in 1914.
The Great Silence: 1918-1920 Living in the Shadow of the Great War

ISBN: 9781552788134
Published by McArthur & Company on November 12th 2009
Genres: History, General, Great Britain, Social History
Pages: 302
Len's Summary: An entertaining view of life in England from the Armistice in 1918 to the 1920 burial of the Unknown Soldier. Ms. Nicholson also wrote The Perfect Summer: Dancing into the Shadows in 1911 (Murray, 2007) an examination of English society three years before war erupted. // A social history of post-war Britain. Totally unprepared for peace following an expansion of the franchise and the ‘khaki election’ of 1918, the Lloyd George government was unable meet to expectations raised by its promise to create “a land fit for heroes” for returning trench veterans. By the same author: The Perfect Summer: Dancing into Shadows, 1911, 304 pages, John Murray, 2007, ISBN 0 7195 6243 0. £5.55 from Amazon.co.uk. A glimpse of British society at the end of the Edwardian Era on the brink of The Great War.
The Origins of the First World War

ISBN: 9780521713948
Published by Cambridge University Press on March 4th 2010
Genres: Political Science, History, Europe, General, Modern, 20th Century, Military, World War I, International Relations
Pages: 265
Len's Summary: A scholarly reinterpretation of the origins examining key issues from 1870 to 1914, and arguing that WWI was far from inevitable.
The Egyptian Expeditionary Force in World War I: A History of the British-Led Campaigns in Egypt, Palestine and Syria

ISBN: 9780786448715
on November 9th 2010
Genres: History, Europe, Great Britain, Middle East, General, Military, World War I
Pages: 302
Len's Summary: Follows the 5th Suffolk Regiment through the campaigns.
In Italy with the 332nd Infantry

ISBN: 9781175591432
Published by BiblioBazaar on 2010
Genres: History, General, World War I, United States
Pages: 96
Len's Summary: Reprint of a 1923 book on the sole American combat unit from the 86th Division sent to the Italian Front; sometimes called “Pershing’s Propaganda Division.” The author was a battalion sergeant-major in the 332nd Regiment.
The Long Way Home: An American Journey from Ellis Island to the Great War

ISBN: 9780061233333
Published by Harper Perennial on March 15th 2011
Genres: History, General, Biography & Autobiography, World War I
Pages: 416
Len's Summary: The stories of a dozen recent immigrants who served in the AEF.
An Eyewitness Account of Gallipoli: Ellis Silas

ISBN: 9781877058912
Published by Rosenberg Publishing on February 1st 2010
Genres: Art, General, History, Military, World War I, Australia & New Zealand, Illustrated
Pages: 90
Len's Summary: First published in 1916, this is the work of an Australian signaler illustrating his experiences in Egypt, at Gallipoli and en route home after being wounded.
For Home and Country: World War I Propaganda on the Home Front

ISBN: 0803224745
Published by University of Nebraska Press on July 1st 2010
Genres: History, Military, World War I, Political Science, Propaganda, Psychology, General, Social Science, Popular Culture
Pages: 326
Len's Summary: Propaganda in America and Europe came in myriad forms including cook books, novels, magazines and even children’s’ toys.
Finding Common Ground: New Directions in First World War Studies

ISBN: 9004191828
Published by Brill on December 7th 2010
Genres: History, Military, World War I, Europe, General, Essays
Pages: 344
Len's Summary: This collection of essays originated in a 2007 conference sponsored by the Society for WWI Studies. It presents an interdisciplinary approach to understanding this global conflict. Contributors include Roger Chickering, Tim Cook, and David Zabecki. Like all Brill books, this is way too expensive. Get it from your library.
American Military Cemeteries

ISBN: 9780786457328
Published by McFarland on May 14th 2014
Genres: History, Military, General, Social Science, Death & Dying, Reference
Pages: 407
Len's Summary: Updated edition of a 1992 reference work including information on how each cemetery was established.