Passchendaele 1917: The Story of the Fallen and Tyne Cot Cemetry
Passchendaele 1917: The Story of the Fallen and Tyne Cot Cemetry by
Frank Bostyn ISBN: 1844156931
Published by Pen & Sword Books on June 21st 2007
Pages: 352
Len's Summary: Available on line from This is one of several new and reprinted works brought out by Pen & Sword in time for the 90th anniversary of Third Ypres — Passchendeale. Other titles include Passchendaele: The Hollow Victory by Martin Marix Evans, Passchendaele in Perspective by Peter Liddle, and Passchendaele by Phillip Warner.
Tagged 07-10, 2007. Bookmark the permalink.