The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West by
Niall Ferguson ISBN: 0143112392
Published by Penguin Books on October 30th 2007
Genres: History,
20th Century Pages: 880
Len's Summary: Now available in paperback, this is panoramic study of war, conflict and violence in the first half of the 20th century. Economic historian Ferguson sees three overlapping factors as key to understanding what happened: ethnic conflict, economic volatility and the decline of empires. // Published in the UK with the subtitle History's Age of Hatred. Companion volume to a new six-part British TV series premiering in June 2006 examining the conflicts of the 20th century. Ferguson takes the position that World Wars One and Two, and the Cold War were not separate conflicts, but a single "hundred years' war, a struggle powered by imperial and ethnic competition. Dr. Ferguson, a leading economic historian and native of Glasgow, now teaches at Harvard.