History’s Greatest Heist: The Looting of Russia by the Bolsheviks

History’s Greatest Heist: The Looting of Russia by the BolsheviksHistory's Greatest Heist: The Looting of Russia by the Bolsheviks by Sean McMeekin
ISBN: 9780300135589
Published by Yale University Press on December 16th 2008
Genres: History, Revolutionary, Europe, Russia & the Former Soviet Union, Modern, 20th Century
Pages: 302

Len's Summary: Exploring the final years of the Tzarist regime and the early years of Bolshevism with WWI as the backdrop.

The Berlin-Baghdad Express: The Ottoman Empire and Germany’s Bid for World Power

The Berlin-Baghdad Express: The Ottoman Empire and Germany’s Bid for World PowerThe Berlin-Baghdad Express: The Ottoman Empire and Germany's Bid for World Power by Sean McMeekin
ISBN: 9780674057395
Published by Harvard University Press on September 15th 2010
Genres: History, Europe, Germany, Military, World War I, Middle East, Turkey & Ottoman Empire
Pages: 460

Len's Summary: Part of the so-called Great Game portrayed in John Buchan’s fiction trilogy this is the true story of Germany’s attempt to penetrate of the Middle East and, wording through the Ottoman Empire, threaten the British position in Persia and the Indian subcontinent.

July 1914: Countdown to War

July 1914: Countdown to WarJuly 1914: Countdown to War by Sean McMeekin
ISBN: 9780465060740
Published by Basic Books on April 29th 2014
Genres: History, Europe, General, Military, World War I, Modern, 20th Century, Political Science, International Relations
Pages: 460

Len's Summary: Analysis of the frenetic activities of often desperate diplomats and more sanguine soldiers by the winner of the 2011 WW1HA Tomlinson Book Prize. A fast-paced account of some of the most important decisions of the 20th century. The author spares no one, but lays much of the blame on France and Russia. See also The Lions of July: Prelude to War, 1914,William Jannen, Presidio Press, 1997.

The Russian Origins of the First World War

The Russian Origins of the First World WarThe Russian Origins of the First World War by Sean McMeekin
ISBN: 9780674063204
Published by Harvard University Press on December 12th 2011
Genres: History, Military, World War I, Europe, Russia & the Former Soviet Union, Political Science, International Relations, General
Pages: 344

Len's Summary: The author contends that the Tzarist regime believed a general European war to be in its national interest; that is sought to humiliate Vienna, conquer Constantinople and open the Straits as an ice-free trade route to the Mediterranean and the west. Winner of the 2011 Norman B. Tomlinson, Jr. Prize for the best work of history in English on World War One (1914-1918)