ISBN: 9780670889044
Published by Penguin on 2000
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Presidents & Heads of State, Political Science, Political Process, Leadership
Pages: 128
Len's Summary: A brief, well-crafted biography by one of America’s most acclaimed novelists and critics about one of America’s most complicated and controversial political personalities. Also available from Books on Tape at http://www.booksontape.com for $24.95.
Edith and Woodrow: The Wilson White House

ISBN: 9780743211581
Published by Scribner on September 25th 2001
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Historical, Presidents & Heads of State, History, United States, 20th Century
Pages: 606
Len's Summary: Ms. Levin, a journalist, sets out to prove that Edith Bolling Galt, Wilson’s second wife, set the agenda for the last, tragic years of his administration.
Reconsidering Woodrow Wilson: Progressivism, Internationalism, War, and Peace

ISBN: 0801890748
Published by Woodrow Wilson Center Press on September 30th 2008
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Presidents & Heads of State, History, United States, 20th Century, Political Science, International Relations, General
Pages: 376
Len's Summary: A series of essays reexamining Wilson’s policies and legacy.
Balfour: The Last Grandee

ISBN: 0719554241
Published by John Murray on November 15th 2007
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Political, Presidents & Heads of State, History, Europe, Great Britain
Pages: 496
Len's Summary: A biography Sir Arthur Balfour, Prime Minister from 1902 to 1905, Lloyd George’s wartime Foreign Secretary, author of the declaration promising a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and British negotiator at the Washington Naval Disarmament Conference of 1921-22.
The Soldier from Independence: A Military Biography of Harry Truman

ISBN: 9780760332092
Published by Zenith Press on September 10th 2009
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Military, Presidents & Heads of State, History, World War I, United States, 20th Century
Pages: 286
Len's Summary: Future President Harry “Give ‘Em Hell” Truman as an artillery officer on the Western Front.
Ellen and Edith: Woodrow Wilson’s First Ladies

ISBN: 9780700617371
Published by University Press of Kansas on October 15th 2010
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Political, Presidents & Heads of State, Women, History, United States, 20th Century, Social Science, Women's Studies
Pages: 348
Len's Summary: Wilson’s wives major influence on his life and politics.
Woodrow Wilson: A Biography

ISBN: 9780307277909
Published by Vintage Books on April 5th 2011
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Presidents & Heads of State, History, General
Pages: 702
Len's Summary: Pulitzer Prize finalist. Cooper is the leading living Wilson scholar. He writes on a President who remains controversial to this day a hundred years after he was elected by a plurality (defeating Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft) to the first of two terms in office. Remembered principally for leading America in to WWI, Wilson also deserves to be remembered for important amounts of progressive legislation enacted during his first term. // The first bio of the 28th President in some 20 years written by the noted historian John Milton Cooper, author of several books on the Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, the Progressive Era and WWI. A sympathetic examination of the life and politics of the 28th President by a master historian and reigning expert on Wilson’s career.
Never Call Retreat: Theodore Roosevelt and the Great War

ISBN: 9781137306531
Published by Palgrave Macmillan on January 15th 2014
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Presidents & Heads of State, History, Military, World War I, History, United States, State & Local, General, 20th Century, Modern, South
Pages: 376
Len's Summary: US domestic politics and the Great War; The Old Bull Moose takes on a circumspect Woodrow Wilson and demands intervention on the side of The Entente.

ISBN: 9780425270066
Published by Penguin Group USA on September 2nd 2014
Genres: Biography & Autobiography, Presidents & Heads of State, History, United States, 20th Century
Pages: 818
Len's Summary: A new biography of our 28th president by a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian.