ISBN: 9780750936408
Published by History Press Limited on May 25th 2004
Genres: Fiction, War & Military
Pages: 288
Len's Summary: Story of a young British Tommy, who went on to be a noted nature writer. // One of two autobiographical novels describing the author’s experiences as an infantryman in WWI which turned him into a Pacifist. First published in 1930. Williamson is best known for his prize-winning 1927 novel Tarka the Otter.
A Century of November

ISBN: 9780472114313
Published by University of Michigan Press on September 9th 2004
Genres: Fiction, Historical, Literary
Pages: 164
Len's Summary: The story of a Canadian magistrate seeking the spot in Belgium where his son was killed in WWI.
Shoulder the Sky

ISBN: 9780345456540
Published by Ballantine Books on September 28th 2004
Genres: Fiction, Historical, Thrillers, Suspense, War & Military
Pages: 338
Len's Summary: econd in Perry’s new WWI series opened with No Graves Yet. Now an army chaplain, Joseph Reavley investigates the mysterious death of an obnoxious London Times war correspondent whose body is found between the lines in Flanders. Second in a series.
No Graves As Yet

ISBN: 9780345484239
Published by Ballantine Books on 2004
Pages: 363
Len's Summary: Mystery novelist Anne Perry turns to WWI writing the story of the efforts of a British intelligence officer Matthew Reavley, and his Anglican priest brother Joseph to solve the mystery of their parent’s murder on the eve of WWI. Unimpressive. Pedestrian plot, character sketches thin; panned by several reviewers in the US and England.
Birds Without Wings

ISBN: 9780307368874
Published by Knopf on August 24th 2004
Genres: Fiction, General
Pages: 630
Len's Summary: A novel by the author of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin about the twilight of the Ottoman Empire in Anatolia before, during and just after WWI. Bermieres presents a series of often quirky first-person accounts by characters in a multi-ethnic village. Interwoven is the biogrpahy of Mustapha Kamal Ataturk, founder of mono-ethnic Turkish Republic. A good read if not exactly good history.
The Vintage Book of War Stories

ISBN: 9780099483465
Published by Vintage on 2005
Pages: 416
Len's Summary: Includes WWI short stories and excerpts from novels by Eric Maria Remarque, Siegfried Sassoon, Wm. Boyd and Pat Barker.
To the Last Man: A Novel of the First World War

ISBN: 9780345461346
Published by Ballantine Books on 2004
Genres: Fiction, Action & Adventure, Historical, War & Military
Pages: 636
Len's Summary: The war seen through the eyes of a frightened British Tommy, General John Pershing, and Baron Manfred von Richthofen by the best-selling author of novels on the American Revolution and Civil War. Available from the History Book Club.
Red Horse Rode Out

ISBN: 9780741423429
Published by Infinity Publishing on 2004
Genres: Fiction, War & Military
Pages: 368
Len's Summary: A novel of the Lost Battalion.
Fighting Different Wars: Experience, Memory and the First World War in Britain

ISBN: 9780521831536
Published by Cambridge University Press on February 19th 2004
Pages: 333
Len's Summary: Cultural and intellectual history contrasting war as an experience and war as a memory and developing the consequences of postwar constructions. The author is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Connecticut. The Tomlinson Prize carries an award of $3,000 funded by a grant from WFA Director-emeritus Norman B. Tomlinson, Jr.